Categorized | Bali Health

Kasih Ibu Hospital

Kasih Ibu Hospital is one of the best hospitals in the city of Denpasar, Bali. Founded in 1987 as aprivate hospital, has become a major referral center in eastern Indonesia.

Today, we are the only hospital in Bali feature art diagnostic MRI said. With the support of doctors with extensive experience unique relationship with the academy, Kasih Ibu Hospital strive to provide the best health care service for locals and international visitors to Bali.

 This division is a special division in which an international standard of care and services for customers worldwide to open their emergency rooms and special international 24-hour emergency center for international help to the patient’s insurance and the support of a personal evacuation of native English and Japanese, and medical patients to pick out of Bali or the transfer of patients abroad, the patient needs a box over in Singapore, Australia or their country of origin. In some cases, language may be a barrier, so in this division, we ensure that all staff and paramedical staff, spoke good English.


Read phonetically

For outpatient services, if you want the service of convenience, you may register by phone and our staff will help you. Or you can subscribe directly to our outpatient registration desk.

For hospital services, our staff is able to confirm the availability of a room at the time of admission, this is due to the uncertainty of discharge and emergency admission to hospital. However, if we can not offer the room of your income, the transfer will be made as soon as you type you prefer is available.

If your employer has an agreement with us or you are a member of the insurance in the list, our staff will be invited to present their membership card and after some of the requirements agreed to by both parties. Payment.

If your payment is secured by your employer or insurance is to have an agreement with Kasih Ibu Hospital, our staff will attempt to show reference or letter of guarantee or the identity of belonging to their work for the insurance company or you ..

letter of reference from insurance companies or do not agree with Kasih Ibu Hospital is invalid. And were asked to make a payment in person.

If your payment is secured by your employer or insurance contract with the hospital, you must make a payment after the service. However, this does not apply if your employer or insurance does not agree with Kasih Ibu Hospital.

To ensure your well being and Kasih Ibu Hospital procedure service, please ask the right person in charge of your company or your insurance.For convenience, we accept all forms of payment such as:

– Cash
– Credit Card

Accept some credit cards issued by:

Please make a confirmation of our box if your credit card is accepted or not.



Kasih Ibu Hospital
Jl. Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar
Bali, Indonesia 80 114

Phone: +62 361 223036
SMS Centre: +62 81 74 75 8000


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Bali Tourism Board

Welcome to the the Bali Tourism Board, the voice of Bali's tourism industry! As one of the prime tourist destinations of the world, the extraordinarily unique island of Bali virtually ensures a great holiday for backpackers and VIPs alike! From hostels to award-winning world-class resorts, Bali has it all! Come and experience Bali's one-of-a-kind culture and the natural hospitality of her people.