Types of Ancient Man in Indonesia

  • Pithecanthropus
    1. Pithecanthropus Erectus
    2. Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis
    3. Pithecanthropus Soloensis
  • Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus
  • Homo
  • Hobbit


In 1890 Eugene Dubois found Pithecanthropus fossil species in the village Sandpipers (Structural) East Java near Solo river basin, by giving the name Pithecanthropus erectus meaning upright walking ape-man.

The characteristics of Pithecanthropus Erectus:

  • Jaw Bone and Teeth Big and Strong
  • No chin
  • About 165-170 cm Body Cleaner
  • Regulated and Upright Walking
  • Prominent forehead

Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis

In 1936, it has been found in ancient human skull fossil child by Weidenreich Jetis village, Mojokerto. The hominid was named Pithecanthropus Robustus, while Von Koeningswald called it Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis.

Pithecanthropus Soloensis

GHR Von Koeningswald, Oppenorth, and Ter Haar at around the year 1931-1934 to conduct research on the Solo River Valley and the first discovery in Ngandong (Blora) is a fossil ape-man Pithecanthropus Soloensis means of Solo, was later found at Sangiran, too type Pithecanthropus which are estimated to live at 900,000 to 200,000 years ago are found in Sumatra, Borneo, and China.

Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus

That is the most primitive early man (old), was found by GHR von Koeningswald in Sangiran area on the lower Pleistocene layer (layer Pucangan) in 1936 and 1941. The findings of these fossil bones form the bottom and top. Fossils have been found Marks Kabuh layer (middle Pleistocene) in 1952. Based on research the maxillary bone and lower jaw bones, food is Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus plants. Because the food without going through the cooking process, then the big teeth and powerful jaws. Meganthopus estimated to live in 2-1 million years ago. In accordance with the meaning of her name, big early man and the oldest on the island of Java.

Palaeojavanicus Meganthropus Characteristics:

  • Body Stump
  • Jaw And Great Wisdom
  • No chin
  • Homo
  • Homo means human

Type of the most advanced early humans than others. The discovery of fossils of Homo species began in 1889, when Von Rietschoten found several skulls and skeletal parts of humans in the area near Tulungagung, East Java. The findings were then investigated by Dr. Eugene Dubois and named it Homo Wajakensis including native races of Australia.

Homo Characteristics:
Approximately 180 cm high
Having a small brain volume, 1000-1300 Approximately Namely Cc
Bigger Than Pithecanthropus skull


Scientists have discovered fossils of a skull of a human species that grows no bigger than a child five years old. Man has skull-sized dwarf citrus fruit is thought to live 13,000 years ago, along with pygmy elephants and giant lizards like the Komodo. Indonesia.

The first skull of the species then known as Homo floresiensis, or Human Fores was found September 2003. He was a female, stood at about one meter, and weighing only 25 pounds. He is believed around 30 years old when she died 18,000 years ago.

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