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Arts will Speak Up on April 17, 4 pm

Self-Defence is an art. When art is collected and show, Bali is one of the island owning soul to show the artistry. Bali have many event already related to tourism. As one of the world tourism destination, Bali have few challenge to provide interesting events, so that tourist will come again and again, back to Bali. Bali Mixed Martial Arts come as one of event which commit to be carried out this festival every year. “This is the first festival,” bold Putu Witsen, the committee, when socialize the event in secretariat of Bali Tourism Board several times ago.

‘Where art is expand, over there are badness float and kindness are planted’ That way put in box phrased by the committee. Besides as promotion media, this event will become the place of to braid friendship. The collaboration of work of Bali International School, Bali Mepantigan and Pencak Silat Satria Muda Indonesia have aim to civilize art usage of destar/udeng/(cover of head formed by cloth, usually utilized by men for the sake of custom in Bali) as one of the cultural icon which require to preserve.

All participants will be given 6 udeng/destar with batik motif. Staging event will present:

  • Elementary practice wit
  • Attraction of each self-defence branch (Pencak Silat, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Judo, Boxing, etc)
  • Staging of folk art ‘TEKTEKAN’ from Tabanan.
  • Introducing Balinese cake ( Klepon, sumping, Pisangrai, etc)

The committee invites entire self-defence branch in Bali to come up to 17 April 2005 coming. Its even also very easy, without any expense, wishful self-defence branch can participate with just contact committee directly. Participant obliged to wear destar/udeng with batik motif with wear each uniform.

Interesting to join and come up? You all inviting to attend the festival, on next 17 April 2005 at Kuta beach, in front of Hard Rock Hotel at 4 pm. For further information please contact The Committee of Bali Mixed Martial Arts PO BOX 3259. Denpasar Bali. Tel 62 361 288 770/288 467. Fax 62 361 285 103. e-mail of

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Bali Tourism Board

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