Bali & Beyond Travel Fair 08- 12 June 2021

The 7th Edition of Bali & Beyond Travel Fair (BBTF) will return to Bali 08 June – 12 June 2021 to be held at the Bali International Convention Center (BICC) in Nusa Dua as the Island seeks to restart its stalled tourism Industry.

AS reported by, the Bali Provincial Government and organizers of BBTF target revenues to be generated from the event at Rp. 3.57 trillion, an amount far less than the Rp. 7.71 trillion unsuccessfully sought from the same event in 2019. The BBTF 2020 was canceled due to the continuing global pandemic.

The chairman of the organizing committee for BBTF 2021, I Ketut Ardana, said the lower and less ambitious revenue targets are a realistic reflection of current conditions and the marketplace. The June event hopes to attract 150 buyers from 20 countries, 64 of whom will attend online. Meanwhile, 125 buyers from 11 provinces are expected to travel to Bali from 11 provinces in Indonesia to participate in BBTF 2021. 

The number of 2021 buyers is expected to decline 49.50% and sellers by 54% when compared to 2019 numbers.

70-80% of the sellers are locally and regionally sourced from Bali and 11 other Indonesian provinces. Most buyers will come from Indonesia, the UK, Australia, Frances, the USA, and Asia.

Buyers will be given a limited number of complimentary tour programs to familiarize them with a range of Indonesian travel products.

BBTF will be a hybrid event conducted in both live and online formats.

Organizers have revealed that the theme of BBTF 2021 is “Exploring Sustainable & Wellness Tourism” – a sector of the tourism economy expected to boom in a post-pandemic world.

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Bali Tourism Board

Welcome to the the Bali Tourism Board, the voice of Bali's tourism industry! As one of the prime tourist destinations of the world, the extraordinarily unique island of Bali virtually ensures a great holiday for backpackers and VIPs alike! From hostels to award-winning world-class resorts, Bali has it all! Come and experience Bali's one-of-a-kind culture and the natural hospitality of her people.