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Bali Events Aug 2006

31 August 2006
Clean Up the World Weekend
Lebih dari 5000 sukarelawan dari 49 hotel anggota BHA (salah satu devisi marketing dan promosi BPD PHRI Bali) pada tanggal 15 dan 17 September akan bergabung dengan 35 juta orang dari 120 negara didunia untuk menyelenggarakan ajang “Clean Up” ini.

23 August 2006
CAKOLOSAL – The Starting Point of Due Unity and Regional Development
CAKolosal is an idea which has three particular of urgently aspects. They are spiritual aspect, cultural aspect and economic aspect where each of their implementations expectedly would become a starting point of the spirit of initiative and togetherness.

14 August 2006

07 August 2006
International Yacht Race ‘’seaBALI’’, Contingent Destined for Bali’s Shores
Sail Indonesia is an exclusive international yacht race that has been organized to expose the potential of Indonesia as a quality destination as well as strengthen ties between participating nations.

07 August 2006
Sanur Village Festival a Fun and Cultural Event
Sanur’s only social foundation – Yayasan Pembangunan Sanur (YPS), will organize the Sanur Village Festival from 25 – 27 August 2006.

02 August 2006
Agenda Acara di Bali

Welcome to Bali

Bali Tourism Board

Welcome to the the Bali Tourism Board, the voice of Bali's tourism industry! As one of the prime tourist destinations of the world, the extraordinarily unique island of Bali virtually ensures a great holiday for backpackers and VIPs alike! From hostels to award-winning world-class resorts, Bali has it all! Come and experience Bali's one-of-a-kind culture and the natural hospitality of her people.