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Bali Events Sep 2006

29 September 2006
Tourism and Media, Can Help
Dr. Carol Jacobs, Chairman of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, says the tourism sector is of critical importance in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

29 September 2006
Tourism and Media, Can Help
Dr. Carol Jacobs, Chairman of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, says the tourism sector is of critical importance in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

29 September 2006
Tourism and Media, Can Help
Dr. Carol Jacobs, Chairman of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, says the tourism sector is of critical importance in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

29 September 2006
Tourism and Media, Can Help
Dr. Carol Jacobs, Chairman of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, says the tourism sector is of critical importance in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

29 September 2006
Tourism and Media, Can Help
Dr. Carol Jacobs, Chairman of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, says the tourism sector is of critical importance in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

29 September 2006
Tourism and Media, Can Help
Dr. Carol Jacobs, Chairman of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, says the tourism sector is of critical importance in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

16 September 2006
Is Individualism Transforming Japan Outbound
The Japanese penchant for the latest gadgetry expenditure on phones is double that of international travel’s has extended into a taste for distinctive tours and fresh destinations.

16 September 2006
More LCC subsidiaries to come
Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation notes that All Nippon Airways reportedly plans to establish up to two LCC subsidiaries next year to grow and defend international and domestic markets.

16 September 2006
Konsul Jepang Pamitan, Pemkab Diminta Antisipasi Flu Burung
Per Jumat 15 September pejabat konsul Jepang di Bali diserah terimakan dari N. Nomura kepada Hirashima Shusaku, MA.

16 September 2006
Pemkab Badung Bantu Kuta Karnival Rp 100 Juta
Pelaksanaan Kuta Karnival yang rencananya akan dibuka Menbudpar Jero Wacik dan berlangsung dari tanggal 17 hingga 24 September 2006 mendatang mendapat dukungan penuh Pemkab Badung.

06 September 2006
Economics the issue – not fuel?
Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation reports that “the airline industry’s general exasperation about the impact of high fuel prices on profitability is increasingly unsupported by figures from its own peak industry body”.

06 September 2006
Lestarikan subak sebagai warisan budaya
Lomba subak merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk melestarikan keberadaan subak yang menjadi warisan budaya. Terkait upaya peningkatan hasil pertanian, pemerintah telah berupaya membantu petani dengan bantuan penguatan modal.

04 September 2006
Pilot Project Pemasangan Canopy Gate dan Metal Detector
Pemerintah Badung menunjukkan keseriusannya dalam penanganan keamanan di wilayah badung dengan pemasangan canopy gate dan metal detector di beberapa kawasan strategis.

04 September 2006
Sebanyak 22 Kegiatan Ramaikan “Kuta Karnival” 2006
Sebanyak 22 kegiatan akan meramaikan kegiatan tahunan “Kuta Karnival” 2006 yang merupakan penyelenggaraan keempat dan akan beralangsung di sepanjang Pantai Kuta, Bali, tanggal 16-24 September 2006.

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Bali Tourism Board

Welcome to the the Bali Tourism Board, the voice of Bali's tourism industry! As one of the prime tourist destinations of the world, the extraordinarily unique island of Bali virtually ensures a great holiday for backpackers and VIPs alike! From hostels to award-winning world-class resorts, Bali has it all! Come and experience Bali's one-of-a-kind culture and the natural hospitality of her people.