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Bali Putting a Cap on Coronavirus

(News from Bali Discovery)

The Task Force for the Control and Prevention of Viral Disease (COVID-19) for the Province of Bali held its first organizational meeting at the Office of the Governor of Friday, March 13, 2020. 

As reported by the, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Provincial Police, the Regional Military Command, The Command of the Military District,various provincial government departments including tourism and health, and representatives from each regency and the City of Denpasar. 

During the meeting, four key points were set as provincial goals:

  • Building additional capacity in public and private health facilities in the Province of Bali.
  • To ensure an adequate supply of supporting items are available – such as surgical masks, disinfectants, and hand sanitizers.
  • To enhance the capacity for early detection of COVID-19 and prevent any new cases from entering Bali via its sea and airports.
  • To do everything possible to practice “social distancing” by preventing the spread of the disease by limiting activities that gather people into large groups.

On Sunday, March 15, 2020, at 8:00 am, a mass-disinfection of all public places commenced in Bali led in each regency and Denpasar by the respective Regents and Mayor. On behalf of the entire Province, the Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster, symbolically led the disinfecting of Sanur Beach and the crossing point to Nusa Penida.

(News from Bali Discovery)

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