Corona Virus Bali Indonesia Update

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The new Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2) in Bali

The world has been hit by the new Corona Virus and it has also reached Indonesia and Bali. We will post here the latest updates on the development and corona situation in Bali and hope that all travelers and citizens will be safe. The Indonesian government is very active in managing the situation and continues to take measures to stop the disease to spread further. There are some simple things we can do to avoid getting infected with Covid-19 and to avoid the disease to spread further:

Is it ok traveling to Bali? Is Bali Safe?

It would not be right to claim that any country, be it our home country or a place we wish to visit these days is 100% safe. Based on the scientific data the world has gathered now about the coronavirus, and knowing the fatality rate and the way it is spreading, the virus is indeed a threat.

However, how much of a threat you face if coming to Bali, really depends on your individual circumstances, your personal actions and behaviors, and the level of precautions you take. And of course to a certain extend we depend on the professionalism of government authorities and also businesses that facilitate transportation, travel, etc.

The risk to get infected might be as low or high as in any other country that is not classified by the WHO as high risk area, such as China or Italy. If you are elderly or have an underlying health condition, you should carefully consider if you should travel at all these days. Indonesian authorities and particularly the ones in Bali have shown that they take the situation seriously and have implemented several regulations and procedures, that have been executed quite well. But of course, there is no guarantee, there is always room for improvement, and we all still learn how to deal with this.

For now the borders are still open, and between 1st and 12th of March 114,000 foreign visitors arrived on the island. Much less than what could be expected because of the shutdown of China, but in a way, life goes on in Bali. As in every part of the world, it is advisable to follow the precaution measures as suggested by the WHO, and to stay away from mass events. It is expected that some of the bigger concerts, events and festivals in Bali might be canceled.

So far, the number of corona patients is still low in Indonesia, particularly in relation to the total population. More cases will definitely be reported and the crisis is not over. So yes, there is a risk here in Bali, as there is a global risk to catch that virus. In this uncertain and dynamic time there is also the risk when traveling, that further travel restrictions might be announced, depending on how the situation in Indonesia and other countries evolves.

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