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Films Uproarious “Cowboys in Paradise”

Bali Governor Made Magnus Pastiche of Bali met in Parliament yesterday (27/4) expressly states that the film director Amity Vermin Cowboys in Paradise which is currently very fidgety in bali, never asking permission of documentary filmmaking to the local government. Pastiche also said that the film which tells about the life of man entertainer (gigolo, red) at Kula Beach were illegal. If it’s true, it’s very alarming, “said filming Pastika. Proses Cowboys in Paradise who took his background in Kula Beach pocketed later revealed no permission from the local government. Because until now, the Bali provincial government claimed had never issued a permit for the filming.

Bali Kadisbud IB Seahawk documentary regret very much that megabit place in the island resort of Kula beach gigolo phenomenon in the media internet. Diduga topics discussed at the beginning is a matter of entertainment and HIV/AIDS, but later deviated towards the night life in Kula.

Bali Kadisbud IB Sedhawa’ve seen and felt shocked because there was never a request to permit the filming of Bali and Bifida Disbud (Regional Film Agency) in Bali.

Upon the occurrence of these cases, With responsive Kula Beach Task Force raided the existence of a gigolo who becomes the conversation today. Rasa focused on the beach. Even yesterday there at around 14:00 near Western and Cowboys finally back behind the boat.

Mentioned problems raids conducted by Task Force Kula Beach, Bali police chief Pastiche the former it welcomes what has been done by the Task Force of Kula Beach. Section, task force considered the most know the ins and outs of life in Kula Beach.

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