Indonesian Marine Tourism Association (GAHAWISRI) Bali Province
Making Marine Tourism & Travel Tirta as one of the important sectors in sustainable development in Indonesia with its environment conservation along that will make Indonesia as a maritime country in the world.
- welfare of the Tourism industry players Tirta Bahari & Tourism and sustainable jajaranya
- Improving the management capacity of tourism businesses Tirta Wisata Bahari & professionally and sustainable
- Contribute and in conserving the marine environment as an asset The main sectors in the development of Marine Tourism / Tirta, who also certainly be useful for the future children of the nation without borders.
Tourism Office Building II. Jl. Raya Puputan No. 41 – Renon, Denpasar – Bali
Ph: 361-236194, 361-236194
Chairman: Yos WK Amrita
Secretariat contact person: Ketut Tresna
Email: yosbali@indosat.net.id gogoprayogo@yahoo.com