How to Stay Reliably Informed on the COVID-19 Crisis

To limit the flow of fake or hoax news in connection with the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, the Ministry of Tourism and the Creative Economy has established an Integrated Crisis Communication Center.

Explained by the national spokesperson for the Ministry’s COVID-19 Task Force, Ari Juliano Gemea, said: “We have activated the crisis communications center since 17 March 2020 that follows standard operating procedures based on input from professional crisis managers and communication experts collected during 2018-2019.”

The Tourism Ministry has also established several channels of public communication and social media dealing exclusively with COVID-19 related matters, including:

Instagram @kemen,parekraf 

Instagram @indtravel


COVID-19 Website Microsite

COVID-19 Contact Center Telephone WhatsApp: +62-(0)8118956767 (Attended during Indonesian Business Hours). 

The Minister of Tourism and the Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandi, published a circular memorandum (Nomor 2 Tahun 2020 Tentang Tindak Lanjut Imbauan Pencegaham Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019) on 31 March 2020 directing the following steps be taken:

  1. Government services working in the tourism sector should consult and report any developments regarding the effects of COVID-19 to the appropriate authorities in their respective regions. This would include The Task Forces for the Handling of COVID-19 operated by their Governor/Regent/Mayor and established communication channels via a local Call Center.
  2. Provincial Tourism Services must observe, monitor, and report the local economic impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic to the Tourism Ministry via the National COVID Call Center on WhatsApp at +628118956767 or by Email .
  3. Share and publicize via social media, print publications, radio, WhatsApp Groups, and email broadcasts the procedures and health and hygiene protocols established by the Ministry of Health.
  4. Do all possible to support the future welfare of commercial enterprises by purchasing catering from hotels and restaurants that have lost business during the current crisis. The food products ordered from these companies can be given to families who have lost their employment, are working from home, and medical workers on the front line of the COVID-19 battle at hospitals.
  5. Undertake steps in coordination with the Department of Manpower to avoid the termination of employees during the current economic downturn.
  6. Follow the guidelines on employment provided by the Minister of Manpower in the circular memo (Nomor: M/3/HK.04/III/2020 tentang Perlindungan Pekerja/Buruh dan Kelangsunan Usaha dalam Rangka Pencegahah dan Penanggulngan COVID-19).
  7. Support efforts to provide support/compensation in the form of basic food supplies to workers in the informal sector of the economy, particularly in tourism destinations areas affected by the downturn.
  8. To provide protection and income guarantees for workers in the tourism and creative economy sectors, including:
    1. Monitor that workers and laborers categorized as “under observation” (ODP) for COVID-19, supported by a doctor’s letter of certification and are unable to attend their place of employment, receive their full wages.
    2. Monitor that workers and laborers categorized as “suspected of COVID-19 infection and are quarantined or undergoing isolation, receive their full salaries during any period of isolation.
    3. Monitor that worker and laborers who cannot attend their jobs because they are suffering from a COVID-19 infection as certified by a doctor’s letter receive their full wages in accordance with the law.
    4. Monitor companies compelled to limit activities because of local government policies for the prevention of COVID-19 and, as a result of those policies, must make changes to their payroll, that this is only done following mutual agreement achieved between the workers and the employers.

Credits to Bali Discovery

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