Luxury Bus Connects Bali & East Bali

While the term “Sultan” is a term usually reserved for the sovereign of a kingdom, it is also the name for a new luxury bus service connecting Denpasar – Malang-Batu-Ngantang-Kandangan-Pare-Kediri. Using the latest generation of Mercedes Benz Bus, the “Sultan Class” busses operated by Bali Transporation Operator MTrans truly redefines luxury overland transport in Bali.

Maximizing physical distancing with luxurious reclining seats are only three across with an aisle on each side of the middle seat. The seats recline and are extra-wide. The full-sized bus has seating for only 23 passengers because of the generous use of space when a bus of this size with standard seat configuration might accommodate 45 seats.

Armrests, wide-seating, and reclining headrests are supplemented in each seat with connections suitable for recharging electronic devices.

Visiting some of the most scenic spots on the roads less traveled between Bali and Kediri, East Java, the entire trip is attractively priced at only Rp. 250,000 one-way. The price includes a blanket, pillow, mineral water, lunch, snack, and dinner. Announcements to passengers are made through sound and screen links located on the back of each seat.


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Bali Tourism Board

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