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Representation of Women In Less Musrenbang

Musrenbang implementation in the year was still less accommodated backs woman’s representation. In every practice, often there was virtually no representation at all. This caused mega Indonesian Woman’s Coalition (KIP) to encourage the implementation in the future Musrenbang could involve the role of women.

Development Planning Consultation (Musrenbang) is now a system that is applied to the budgeting process from national to village level. It is expected that all programs in the bottom layer is expected to get priority. Both in the State Budget and Budgets Provincial and District.

Mimi, Chairman of the Organizing KIP Working Group, now travel to the Integrated Service Center for the Protection of Women and Children (P2TP2A) Katangese, yesterday (30/4), saying “What a coincidence about the representation of women in this Musrenbang KIP focus issues at the center of the post-Second Congress. Besides the issue of at least 30 percent women representation in politics, trafficking, and domestic violence, “said.

The drive to increase the representation of women in activities Musrenbang not intended to make a budget that relate specifically to women. Unlike the education sector, the law mandated a minimum 20 percent of the total state budget or the budget. So the representation of women should be seen as a whole, “he said.

Related to the lack of women representation in the implementation Musrenbang, Counselor P2TP2A Ni Nyman Soprano not menampiknya. Every year, it was never involved in any activities Musrenbang. “What is Musrenbang we do not know because we were never involved,” he said.

For issues pertaining to budgets in the field of women’s programs, according Soprano, it only takes for granted.

And, this year it receives in grants. “If it had taken from the budget that is directed to the Agency for Women and Children. If this year, anggaranya in the form of grants, “he concluded.

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