The Mayor of Denpasar City A.A Ngurah Puspayoga initiated New Year eve program since year of 2000. It aims to motivation the cultural of Bali and also hopely to keep comfort ness and pleasure life in Denpasar. The colossal and simulate show many arts and cultures. Venue, focused at Puputan Badung Square, from 08.00 a.m – end.
And Yayasan Pembangunan Sanur (The Sanur Foundation) invite all the people to joint Midnight Dive 2005 – 2006 at Semawang Coral Garden, in front of Puri Santrian Hotels.
This program is done to welcome the new year eve of 2006 and also giving image latest Denpasar situation specially and Bali generally, as tourist destination area it proves that people of Denpasar has many creation of art and cultural.