01 August 2006
Indonesia Festival of International Performance Art
Indonesia National Galery
Maritime Festival in Makassar
A world-wide scale festival in Makassar, this August-September 2006.
Support Concerning Arts Program of ASEAN-COCI: ASEAN New Media Art (Host)
Held in August – September 2006. Attended by Minister of Culture & Tourism, Eselon I.
Indonesian Festival of International Performance Art 2006
Held in Jakarta in August 2006.
COCI Sub Committee on Culture Convention
Held in Vietnam, August 2006. Attended by Eselon I – IV.
Outbound Travel Mart (OTM)
Held in Calcutta, India, from 13 to 15 August 2006.
Indonesian Solo Exhibition (ISE)
Held in Beijing, China, from 30 August to 3 September 2006.
AIDS Travel Fair
In Beijing, China, September 2006. Attended by Minister of Tourism & Culture, General Inspector of Marketing, Eselon III, IV, Journalists, Arts Team.
ASEAN New Media Arts Exhibition
Indonesia National Galery, Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No. 14, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 34833954, +62 21 34833955, +62 21 3813021; Fax. +62 21 381 3021, email: galnas@indosat.net.id, website: www.gni.or.id
TIME 2006
Will be held in synergy with the Maritime Festival 2006, this September 2006 in Makassar, South Sulawesi Province. Will be attended by the Minister of Culture & Tourism, General Inspector of Marketing, Eselon II, III, IV, Staff.
ASEAN New Media Arts Exhibition
Held in September 2006.
Sustainable Tourism Committee Meeting and PATA Nominating Committee Meeting
Held in Hong Kong in September 2006. Attended by Eselon I – IV.
Participation in ASEAN Task Force on Manpower Development Meeting
Attended by Eselon II, IV. Held in Singapore, September 2006.
Participation in ASEAN Task Force on Tourism Standard Meeting
Held in Singapore, September 2006. Attended by Eselon II, IV.
MRA Composition in the Event of ASEAN Common Competency Standard for Tourism Professionals (ACCSTP)
Held in September 2006. Attended by Technical Reference Group.
JATA World Travel Fair
In Tokyo, Japan, September 22 – 24, 2006. Attended by Minister of Culture and Tourism, General Inspector of Marketing, Staff.
4th Tourism Ministerial Meeting
Held in Vietnam, October 2006. Attended by Minister of Culture & Tourism, Eselon I, II.
Held in Vietnam, October 2006. Attended by Eselon III, IV.
Workshop on Accessible Tourism
Held in Bangkok, October 2006. Attended by Eselon II, III.
UN-WTO Program Comission Convention
Held in Madrid, Spain, in October 2006.
The 485h Coordinating Committee on Services Under AFAS (CCS) Convention and Tourism Working Group
Held on October 11 – 13, 2006. Attended by Eselon III, IV. Location not yet designated.
IT & CMA (Incentive Travel & Convention Meetings Asia)
Held in Pattaya Exhibition & Convention Hall, Pattaya, Thailand more ยป
Woman Playwright International Conference (WPIC)
Minister and Echelon 1 will be attended this conference.
Supporting the Bengawan Solo Festival
In Solo, Central Java Province, in November 2006.
Support on “Woman Playwrights International Conference (WPIC)
Held in November 2006, in Jakarta and Bali. Attended by the Minister of Culture & Tourism, Eselon I.
Meeting for Ministers for BIMP-EAGA and IMT-GT
Held in November 2006. Attended by Eselon I & II.
World Travel Mart (WTM)
Held in London, England, November 2006. Attended by Minister of Culture & Tourism, General Inspector of Marketing, Eselon II, III, Bappenas, TVRI Journalists.
China International Travel Mart (CITM)
In Shanghai, November 24 – 27, 2006. Attended by Minister of Culture & Tourism, General Inspector in Marketing, Echelon II