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Travelers Motorcycle Helmet Use SNI Payer

Police Resort Metropolitan (Polresmetro) Bekasi District, West Java (Jabar), will take action immediately (ticket) rode a motorcycle travelers who do not use a helmet certified SNI (Indonesian National Standard).

Bekasi District Kapolresmetro Kombes Heri Wibowo in Cikarang, Monday, said the use of helmets refers to the rules of SNI Industry Minister No.40/M-IND/Per/6/2008 about helmet enforcement of national standards.

“The rules are already applied by the officials on the ground since mid-March 2009. Policy is to ensure the safety, comfort, and order in the drive. I hope that travelers can be obeyed, if not we will give the sanctions,” he said.

According to Day, SNI equipped helmet shell, the inner protective layer to absorb impact energy, protecting the face, bearing the comfort, security layer, tool holder, tool holder, cover the chin, ventilation, opening hearing, and basic field head.

“Helm SNI has a logo in the form of stickers which are usually affixed at the back of the helmet. But the point is, drivers do not use a helmet because it is very dangerous project for the head when hit by the crunch,” he said.

A number of other general regulations when driving a motorcycle, he said, berboncengan banned more than one person, carrying goods in large quantities, and the completeness of vehicle safety accessories such as glass sepion, lamps, etc..

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Society of Motor Cycle Club Bekasi Ahmad Belegur rate, the application of SNI helmet still reap the pros and cons in the community.

“The law does not mention in detail the specifications of SNI’s helmet. What about the` `real bikers who do not have a helmet with the logo of SNI. But make no mistake, their helmets are far more expensive, and the applicable safety standards overseas,” he said.

Blegur added, helmet with a number of famous foreign brands such as Nolan, arai, AGV, Shoei, and givi, equipped with safety standards that exceed the quality of SNI.

“Usually they are certified by the Snell Memorial Foundation` `an institution independent standard institutions are not bound by state regulations and the DOT (Department Of Transportation) are located in the United States. Are they using these helmets will also be ticket,” he said.

They are certified by the Snell Memorial Foundation` `an institution independent standard institutions are not bound by state regulations and the DOT (Department Of Transportation) are located in the United States. Are they using these helmets will also be ticket,” he said.

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