Categorized | Stakeholders and Members

Who Benefits?

BTB benefits the tourism industry stakeholders and local community of Bali directly through its coordination and promotion of tourism in Bali. In addition, given Bali’s role as the ‘face’ or ‘gateway’ of Indonesia, BTB and the Bali tourism industry also indirectly benefit the community and industry at the national level.

First and foremost BTB contributes to the material development of the local communities of Bali through its promotion of responsible tourism. In addition, BTB’s local programs are helping to transform local residents from ‘gawkers and hawkers’ who hang around tourist attractions into hosts for their guests.

Tourism industry players also benefit from BTB’s coordination and promotion. Indeed, BTB’s success translates directly into success for the tourism industry.

Local government authorities also enjoy the benefits of BTB’s coordination and promotion in the form of a smoothly running tourism industry. In addition, the local and national governments reap additional tax revenues as the industry grows.

In short, BTB is the embodiment of a partnership between government, community, and industry for the favorable and responsible development and coordination of the tourism industry in Bali.

Welcome to Bali

Bali Tourism Board

Welcome to the the Bali Tourism Board, the voice of Bali's tourism industry! As one of the prime tourist destinations of the world, the extraordinarily unique island of Bali virtually ensures a great holiday for backpackers and VIPs alike! From hostels to award-winning world-class resorts, Bali has it all! Come and experience Bali's one-of-a-kind culture and the natural hospitality of her people.