Archive | Bali Travel

47 Foreign Visitors to Bali in July 2020

July is traditionally one of the busiest months of the year in Bali in terms of foreign tourist arrivals. But, in July 2020, during the global pandemic, it was a different story entirely. Foreign tourist arrivals for July 2020 counted by Bali Immigration totaled 47 people. As reported and based on data from the Bali Statistic Agency […]

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Indonesian Tourists ‘Rarin’ to Travel

As reported, the Director of Marketing for Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism and the Creative Economy, Vinsensius Jemadu, says that 76% of Indonesian travelers enthusiastically wish to visit in the other islands of their archipelago in the coming 12-months. “Our data shows, 8 out of 10 domestic tourists are preparing for a holiday,” Vinsensius said when speaking in […]

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Bali’s Badung Region Poised for Restart

After a six-month shutdown caused by the global pandemic, Bali’s tourism industry is starting to show renewed life signs. As reports, one “vital sign” of progress in restoring the Island’s tourism is seen in the number of tourists landing at Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport. The man in charge of the Badung Regency Tourism Office, Cok Raka Darmawan, reports that for August […]

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Garuda Flies from Bandung to Bali & Medan

As reported by, the Jakarta Regional CEO of Garuda Indonesia, M. Yansverio, told an ASTINDO Webinar on Thursday, 27 August 2020: “Tomorrow (28 August 2020) we will open a new route from Bandung to Medan. People from Bandung wanting to fly to Medan no longer need to travel to Jakarta but can fly directly to Medan. Also, those in […]

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Citilink Indonesia 7X Daily to Bali

Citilink Indonesia – the low-cost subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia has reopened a bevy of domestic routes – including seven daily flights between Jakarta and Bali – as Indonesian domestic travel continues to rebuild in the “new normal” of the pandemic era. Juliandra Nurtjahjo, CEO of Citilink – said the decision to introduce more flights was […]

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Nosey Proboscis Primates at the Safari Park

Bearing an uncanny resemblance to a certain political leader of the day, Genta and Kalawa, the two male proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus), who make their home at the Bali Safari and Marine Park have reddish-brown and well-styled hair set against a pronounced nose. Forming part of the primate collection at the Park, Genta and Kalawa have two female […]

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Tirta Gangga Water Palace Beckons You Back

The escalating reopening of tourism sites in Bali following the restart of domestic tourism on 31 July 2020 saw the popular Tirta Gangga Water Palace in the Village of Ababi, Abang, Karangasem open its door to visitors. The Royal Baths date from 1946 when they were first built by the then King of Karangasem, A.A. […]

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Sea Safari Reopens Pirate Dinner Cruises

After a 6-month furlough or, in this case, shore-leave, Sea Safari Cruises has resumed its dinner cruises on Saturday, 15 August 2020. As reported by NusaBali, the dinner-entertainment cruises have reopened with physical distancing and sanitation protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The director of sales and marketing for Sea Safari Cruises, Eva Tanudjaja, […]

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Free Entrance to Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest

The management of the Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest located in Kukuh Village, Marga, Tabanan in West Bali is, for a limited time, allowing locals and domestic tourists to visit the tourist site free-of-charge. The manager of Alas Kedaton, I Gusti Ngurah Harta Wijaya, said on Saturday, 15 August 2020, that free entrance was limited to […]

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Bali to welcome international tourists on Sept 11

DENPASAR (THE JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) – Bali is prepared to welcome back foreign visitors on Sept 11 after months of a travel ban imposed amid the coronavirus outbreak, which severely impacted its tourism industry. Bali Governor Wayan Koster said activities on the popular resort island will resume but gradually and in three steps to comply with “new normal” […]

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Indonesia’s Bali Island Begins to Reopen After 3-Month Coronavirus Lockdown

(DENPASAR, Indonesia) — Indonesia’s resort island of Bali reopened after a three-month virus lockdown Thursday, allowing local people and stranded foreign tourists to resume public activities before foreign arrivals resume in September. Normally bustling beaches and streets on the idyllic Southeast Asian island emptied in early April except for special patrols to ensure health protocols […]

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Agriculture & Tourism: Friends or Foes?

During a Webinar held on Tuesday, 30 June 2020, a retired, former Deputy of the Ministry of Tourism and the Creative Economy, Professor Dr. Ir. I Gede Pitana MSc, depicted the relationship between tourism and agriculture as a love-hate connection (benci-rindu). Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic effects, many people who once worked in tourism have become “instant farmers” with […]

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Qatar Airways Reconnects Bali to 150 Cities

Qatar Airways has resumed daily flight services between Doha, Qatar and Bali, effective 01 July 2020. Qatar’s extensive global network – via its hub-and-spoke network, links Doha to 150 international Airports across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania. In a statement issued by Qatar Airways, the recommencement of Bali flights represents an essential step in the Airline’s phased restoration […]

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Bali Safari Park Awaiting Green Light to Reopen to the Public

The Bali Safari and Marine Park (BSMP), located just north of Denpasar on Jalan Bypass Ida Bagus Mantram, is targeting to reopen in Mid-July, subject to government approval. During the pandemic shut down period, the BSMP management has been busy rethinking every aspect of a park visit, creating new operating procedures designed to eliminate the risk of COVID-19 infection. […]

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Bali Plans to Restore Tourist Confidence and Reopen Borders in September

Jakarta. Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Wishnutama Kusubandio said rebuilding tourist confidence will be key for Bali – Indonesia’s number one tourist island – to recover its economy to pre-pandemic levels. The minister said on Wednesday during a two-day visit to the Island of the Gods that he appreciated the provincial government’s recent effort to plan phased reopening of the island starting from […]

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Pegipegi Poll: Indonesians Eager to Travel

A survey conducted by the Indonesian Online booking platform,, is providing insights on how the domestic market will come back to life once government travel restrictions are lifted, borders reopened, and airlines recommence full schedules. As reported by, a survey of 900 respondents who replied between 08 June and 12 June 2020 showed the 67% […]

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Bali Tourism Board

Welcome to the the Bali Tourism Board, the voice of Bali's tourism industry! As one of the prime tourist destinations of the world, the extraordinarily unique island of Bali virtually ensures a great holiday for backpackers and VIPs alike! From hostels to award-winning world-class resorts, Bali has it all! Come and experience Bali's one-of-a-kind culture and the natural hospitality of her people.

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