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Gebyar Talaud 2009: Reinforcement of Border Cultural Society in Homeland

Kebudapayan and Tourism Minister (Menbudpar) Ir. Jero Wacik, SE assessing introducing and developing the cultural arts community in the border has a strategic value in strengthening national unity in the frame of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI).

It’s supposed cultural arts activities continuously improved border communities both inside and outside the region, because this is one way to tie in the frame Homeland culture, Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik said at the opening Gebyar Talaud 2009 at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, Central Jakarta (7/11 ).

Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik said, to encourage the development and introduction of culture in the border communities of Culture and Tourism Department (Depbudpar) facilitate a number of events including the organization of cultural festivals in the border regions.

Mentioned, at the western end of Indonesia (Special Region) Sabang Festival has been held, was at the east end (Papua) cultural festival held in Merauke and Lake Sentani Festival. For the region held the northern end of Talaud Festival. In early 2010 we also held a festival on the island of Rote Sasando, as a cultural festival in the southern tip of Indonesia, said Director General, accompanied Menbudpar Cultural Values, Art and Film (NBSF) Depbudpar Tjetjep Suparman.

In 2009 the Talaud Gebyar other night showing of art & cultural performances organized Talaud Talaud Islands Regency, North Sulawesi supported by Depbudpar.

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